LA told to cancel 2028 Olympics ‘privilege’
Group claims the games will only help the police
Staff Report
Los Angeles, Calif. — Tokyo would have begun hosting the Olympics on Friday had not the coronavirus gripped the globe. As it turns out, the 2028 Summer Games slated for Southern California might also be in doubt, for political not pandemic reasons.
NOlympics of Los Angeles launched a campaign calling on city leaders to scrap the competition eight years from now, boosted on Twitter by the trending hashtag #CancelTheOlympics.
“We are years away from the proposed 2028 games but we know that they’ll be used not only to boost the LAPD budget but to once again run with the recovery narrative,” NOlympics LA declared in a manifesto this week.
The group, started by the Housing & Homelessness committee of the L.A. chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, went to Tokyo to express solidarity with critics of the Olympics — officially postponed to 2021 but which may never happen — in a strangely grayish video uploaded Thursday.
They also posted their treatise, titled “The Recovery Games: How the Olympics Exploit Crisis for Survival,” here.
The recovery narrative, the group asserts, is fake news. Instead, police forces are expanded, communities are displaced and gentrified, and billions are spent on unneeded infrastructure that could otherwise be used on services and housing for the needy.
What is the objective or goal of the olympic games? To see which country has the best athletes. How do we know that those athletes competing in the olympic games were born and raised and lived in the country they are representing for their entire lives? We don’t. Most don’t. The olympic games can no longer represent which country has the best athletes. It’s an all-star game noe. It can only showcase individuals regardless of their country of origin for solo careers and wheaties box covers. The olympic games cannot determine which country has the best athletes anymore because of… Read more »
The entire democrat party MUST GO they are domestic terrorists.
I believe the Olympics should go back to its roots, in Greece, clothing optional.
If Rio (2016 Olympiad) can host the games, then any degenerate city can, including the L.A. mega-ghetto.
I doubt that LA could even afford the Games. Its bropke , filthy and run into the ground by a incompetent Mayor and a city council so frickin corrupt that half of them are under possible indictment and one has already been hauled away by the FBI running a mafia like operation out of city hall taking bribes from developers.
They will just use it as justification to raise 10 times the money needed to fix the facilities via taxes, bonds, federal grants, and so on. Although the actual competition is interesting, the commentary, drama and theatrics, is nauseating.
Talk about another “feel good” tax hike. Once the circus leaves town, that 20-year hangover is a royal bitch. If people are that stupid to pile on that manure heap, go for it. I’m gone.
Buh bye, see you, the doors right there.
Antifa is the definition of a losers national gathering. When these deadbeats and petty criminals have served their time, we can all return to a life of normalcy.
“billions are spent on unneeded infrastructure that could otherwise be used on services and housing for the needy.”
They’re not wrong. There isn’t a single place on earth that built a profitable Olympic Games infrastructure. Most fall into disrepair.
So true. And it takes years repaying whatever bonds the politicians shoved through to pad their resume with. Olympics are the world’s THIRD oldest profession.
Huh??? Wait I can think of one place that built a profitable Olympic Games infrastructure, that city was called LOS ANGELES.
I good with it. We don’t need another one.
I can’t believe I agree with these idiots, even a little.
Maybe Antifa can organize their own Olympics: Fire starting, building demolishing, most Covid transmissions contest, naked yoga (hat tip to Portland Athena).
Lets continue. Putting 5 year olds in front of the police and teaching them to say the F-Word to the cops. Putting Preggy women ( they volunteered ) in the front as shields. Having people with military grade comm’s in the middle of the riots, directing them. Destroying thousands of businesses that probably voted DemoRat anyway.. ( They might vote Trump ?? ), trying to .. de-arrest Perps when nabbed by the cops, hitting blacks f they ain’t part of the neo- communist movement BLM.. and looking like A-holes in general dressed in their mom’s old pajamas with shields and… Read more »
Discus throw can be replaced with brick throw.
Maybe you don’t listen to the radio, but the truckers already got the bricks from BLM on I-5. (I heard it from their mouths in real time)
Maybe you forgot the article where truckers say they won’t COME to you city if it doesn’t have POLICE.
Maybe you missed the part where the illegal alien Adobe Brick Airforce had a go down at the border got so bad, until someone finally said, “a Brick is a Weapon and will be treated like a pistola”
Throwing more bricks is not the answer. Getting rid of the Brick throwers is.
Antifa had try-outs, and Colin Kaepernick showed up.
He could still throw bricks a long ways, but kept missing the windows, and
about a dozen of the bricks he threw were intercepted by cops and returned for touchdowns.
As for throwing molotov cocktails, he fumbled and almost set his hair on fire.
boy was that good for a hearty chuckle. thanks
Cant do Olympics in white countries any more to racist.
hey hal. ‘yur’ ‘to’ illiterate to have an opinion on anything.
Are they afraid the streets will have to be cleared of the drug addicted, the dealers, the violently insane in time for throngs of people of every color and nationality to visit and spend their money to boost the economy of Los Angeles? I’m not sure I understand the privilege here. Is it that competition is bad for certain genders or ethnicities - that can’t be it. Privilege - hmm - makes no sense.