WATCH: BLM protesters detain pregnant woman on way to hospital
Staff Report
San Luis Obispo, Calif. – After blocking traffic on Highway 101 in Central California, Black Lives Matters activists ignored the pleas of a motorist to take a pregnant woman in labor to a nearby hospital.
The BLM group, rather than allowing the distressed family pass through the blockade, wanted instead to “have a conversion” about race issues.
The following video, posted this week by Cal Coast News, shows protesters asking the occupants of the vehicle whether the woman’s water broke or not.
“She is going to give birth,” another woman in the pickup truck pleads. “Get out of the road.”
Protest organizer Tianna Arata, 20, offered the following assessment of the situation: “She’s ignorant,” she said, then walked away.
The demonstration, composed of hundreds of social justice warriors on July 21, started in a city park, then moved north on foot to Hwy 101, where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour.
During the time, they chased down, harassed and prevented drivers from exiting the highway. When demonstrators returned to town, Arata, brandishing an American flag, pursued several cars and hit one of them with a flagpole.
Also during the protest, “protesters damaged the hood of a passenger vehicle and smashed the rear window where a 4 year-old child was in the back seat and had glass shattered on him,” according to the San Luis police.
Officers arrested Arata later that day on numerous charges, including participation in a riot, unlawful imprisonment and resisting. She was later released on zero bail.
Activists have demanded the District Attorney drop the charges. San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Harmon joined in the protest before it erupted onto the highway. Harmon has often encouraged residents to support Black Lives Matter and Arata.
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[…] Press California reported a passenger in the car told the marchers: “She is going to give birth. Get out of the […]
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
[…] Press California website charged that the protesters stopped the car carrying a woman in labor to a […]
[…] Press California website charged that the protesters stopped the car carrying a woman in labor to a […]
It should be abundantly clear to people, that culling fascist libtards is not murder, it is self defense, defense of our families, and our children’s future, to grow up as free citizens of a first world nation, rather than serfs on a global communist plantation.
[…] Press California website charged that the protesters stopped the car carrying a woman in labor to a […]
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
Allowing women into politics was a mistake.
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
[…] The street blockade stemmed from a protest at a park earlier in the day that spilled on to Highway 101, “where the group blocked traffic in both directions for almost an hour,” according to PressCalifornia.com. […]
[…] Told there was a pregnant woman who had to go to the hospital, BLM protesters blocking a highway, ra… I have dealt with a narcissist like this. You cannot deal with them. You either remove yourself from their sphere, or you remove them from your’s. If this nation is ever to have a semblance of decency and morality, they have to either be ejected, or be killed. They will never become decent. […]
Sad but true.
That stupid b…. should thank her lucky stars that somebody like me wasn’t in that vehicle because I would have knee-capped her and her friends without hesitation. Question: Why are we allowing ignorant and self-entitled children to do this sh!t? It reminds me of China during Mao’s great purge or Pol Pot’s reign of terror. They used college aged kids and children to protest and purge population of “non-woke” persons. I think it’s long past time for the adults to take charge, and if necessary, to take off the kid-gloves and start b….-slapping these little fascists a$$holes and bring them… Read more »
SLO CHP have dropped the ball. Get to work people, clear the highway and start arresting these trespassers right now!
Kill them. That’s all you have to do.
Every frickin one of them needs to leave the planet feet first. Start with this girl.. An Orc and mentally Ill.
They always go after those with children because unlike the anarchists, their children’s lives matter, and they will not abandon them to the mob.
Black privilege is the socially accepted right for black people to be racists because of an oppression never experienced but constantly perceived.
They’ll turn on people other than black if they gain enough power. They need you now but when they don’t.. you just saw how benevolent they are. Your one of them now, but your not one of them and you never will be.
And if it was white people who did this to a black girl on the way to deliver her baby (although she probably wouldn’t know who it’s daddy is) it would be all over the news for the next 1000 years!
F U you lost the argument with your RACIST GENERALIZATION. That is why the world wants you people gone
you need to be eliminated, flushed like the human waste you are.
thats alll that the CNN MSDNC channels would be playing day and night and the now famous White supremacist boogieman will be responsible.
No, because they deliver at planned parenthood.
they should be glad it wasn’t me and my pregnant wife, or there would have been a lot of people scattered by my bumper.
SLO better get it’s crap together and squash this. We go to the area every year but will stop until this BS is dealt with. Good luck to your areas that rely on tourism…Morro Bay, the wineries in Paso Robles, Santa Margarita…because you didn’t get hurt enough by Covid!
These people are not protesters they are criminals and should be dealt with as such
And these idiots wonder why they are getting shot.
[…] is not going to help the BLM cause. BLM protesters detain pregnant woman on way to hospital This is not the first time they have stopped needed medical […]
[…] https://presscalifornia.com/2020/07/27/blm-protesters-detain-pregnant-woman/?utm_source=whatfinger […]
Please crack that blk bi-ch in the head to knock some sense into ” It”
There’s nothing inside that head to “knock any sense into,” and that my friend is the problem!
What if someone was having a heart attack and died in traffic where they would have otherwise made it to the hospital and possibly lived? Would that be considered murder or homicide? It should. What if the mother gave birth and had complications and bled out? The shallow, narcissistic a-holes are so infuriating. Think outside your selfish box, f-ing jerks.
Tiana Arata must have ice flowing through her veins to behave like she did. She makes Charles Manson look tame. When are these people going to be properly dealt with? I guess nothing much will happen with a mayor who encourages taxpaying residents to support BLM.
We used to love going to the Central Coast when we lived in CA. I wouldn’t set foot there now. Too dangerous. I want to live a long, happy life.
Awful and a direct affront to the essential concept of justice and law that they can generally get DAs to drop the charges and that DAs actually get away with compliance.
The First Amendment should not allow the ability to break traffic safety laws. Blocking taxpayer funded roads and highways, impeding the forward progress of vehicles who are using the roads legally should not be protections under the First Amendment. Yelling “Fire” in a theater is not covered, due to the associated harm it causes to innocents. Where are the rights of law abiding motorists and how are their rights being protected now?
Blocking highways is not protected speech under the 1st Amendment.
The right to assemble (e.g. go to church) sure is protected, but government has the legal authority to place reasonable time, place and manner restraints on the exercise of your 1st Amendment rights.
Canceling church - NOT a reasonable restraint.
Forbidding protests in roadways and highways - ABSOLUTELY a reasonable restraint.
Charges of False Imprisonment just for starters !
Note from the Press California house cat. We don’t DOX and don’t encourage anyone else to do so.
Runs for Cuesta
Check out where she went to high school. Watch the video of this “charter school” near Camp Roberts in SLO County:
Peddle to the metal time and watch the roaches scatter!
So far since the Soros / Hussein Obola war started 71 of the little darlings have been pin wheeled by cars when they attack the drivers because the low IQ revolutionaries stand in the way or go out on to a highway..My absolute FAV is the two Seattle hyenas who were hit and looked like rag dolls in the air and the driver was the son of a african immigrate who was on their side. Great Video !!..
Anyone recognize any of these? Let’s make a list of their names.
We already know Tianna Arata, but who is the blonde with her? Who is the Lucas Oil sweatshirt? SLO is a small city, let’s ID them.
This will not end when their masks come off.
BLM: We might wait weeks, months, or even years before we strike, but rest assured, we will come for you.
This is their summer road trip apparently.
FUN FUN FUN….. for them…
They dance, swear, run around, cause trouble.
Who else their age is getting to do that in COVID-Land?
HOUSE CAT NOTE: We don’t DOX and discourage anyone else from doing so as well. We know what it’s like.
Fair enough, Tippermart. We must respect Press California’s right to control their content. Folks, DOX the hell out of these people, but don’t use this excellent website to do so.
We do know. But there comes a time and it’s getting to the point where we’re running out of options. The next step is all out war and I would prefer to take them down without firing any shots…..thus, dox.
Is there an online resource for creating a list? Something that we can share outside of this site? Identifying the SLO subhumans should be the “low hanging fruit” of what needs to be a nationwide effort.
Big things have little beginnings.
While I generally agree with you morally and I personally wouldn’t do it because I wouldn’t want it happen to me, but the only way to stop radicals is to dose them with their own tools they use on people just because they have different views. They won’t stop until they realize the phase “what goes around, comes around” holds some truth.
Agree! DOX these mother fkrs and …
I agree. Time to start the hunt and let these drop outs from society know that the general population is done with them and they now need to hurt badly for their actions.. Take names and find the addresses. It won’t be hard as they have no clue as the rage building against them.. and operate in the open making it easy to trace them. A little burning of their houses may wake them up..and please stop the white supremacist crap. There are actually very few but there sure seems to be a poop load of black racists..
This is why many carry.
Democrats in action.
They destroy everything that they touch.
There is a time for war…
…. them all.
On the spot.. Make it so da-n dangerous to confront travelers that it means a death sentence. They are counting on us being cowed by them..Its time for right wing squads to deal out street justice. SLO used to be a quite town and and now is anarchist central..
burn, lie, & murder 2 the rescue
It’s absolutely sickening what is happening in the formerly rural-ish little college town of SLO. It’s clearly been infiltrated by anarchist operatives who have apparently auditioned for the job and been moved there from other places such as Portland and probably paid good money by behind-the-scenes people to relocate and do their play-acting. Good thing there is a decent D.A. in the County who will throw the book at these people if he possibly can. That’s SOMETHING, anyway. And the locals seem very concerned, so that’s good news, too. They’ve had a wake-up call here.
carry guns for safety. Form Neighborhood protection grps and deal them violently if necessary.. no quarter..