WATCH: ‘Our families are starving. We’ll become revolutionary citizens soon’
Staff Report
Redding, Calif. – A military veteran in Northern California expressed the frustration of many when he addressed elected leaders in a recent public hearing over California’s business and social lockdowns.
Carlos Zapata, who owns a martial arts studio in Redding, took the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to task at a public forum this month, saying the coronavirus restrictions are threatening the lives of his and other families.
“At first we sat as concerned citizens, and we all wanted to best figure out how to navigate our way through this COVID thing,” he said. “As we realized that it’s not as quite as dangerous as we thought it would be, I was absolutely appalled.”
“I’m a business owner and I’m telling you, our families are starving,” he continued. “You guys can sit here with your jobs — you’re going to sit here and get paid to fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman’s doing behind his mask right there.”
“I don’t blame you for wearing masks because I would be hiding my face if I was you for what you’re doing,” he added.
Zapata, misidentified as Carlos Picatta in several YouTube videos, was one of almost 100 Shasta County residents who spoke at the Aug. 11th meeting.
He issued a warning to the group:
“Right now we’re being peaceful, and you better be happy we’re good citizens, but it’s not going to be peaceful much longer. And this isn’t a threat — I’m not a criminal. But I’m telling you real good citizens are going to turn into revolutionary citizens real soon,” he said.
Zapata, who served in combat in the Middle East as a Marine, said he knows six veterans who have committed suicide after losing their jobs.
“How do you feel about being complicit and perpetuating that — the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people?”
Afterwards, officials with the county, which tends to vote Republican, blamed Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for the lockdowns.
“Our local health officer has not made any restrictions over and above what the state of California has, so we are doing all that we can to keep the county as open as possible,” Donnell Ewert, the county’s Health and Human Services Agency director, told Redding.com.
So why are you still doing nothing., Empty words unless you act..
Take race and religion out of MSM and all you have is common sense. Take race and religion out of judaism and all you have left is global organized crime and monetary monopoly through secret usury and secret nepotism in every central bank country. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/former-israeli-politician-antisemitism-quot-its-a-trick-we-always-use-it-quot_2geuHtBnWfmPmLl.html Take race and religion out of judaism and all that’s left is your basic template for organized crime using secret usury and secret nepotism through their secretly sworn beholden bankers and politicians. Eventually this controls the entire country and it originally happened a very long time ago. END THE FED! ——-judea jewdea——- jew=jewelry or money… Read more »
I agree. Restore Trump to the presidency by all means necessary. If not. It will probably not ever be possible to MAGA. This may have been Americas’ last chance as it was a bit of a fluke he was able to win because Hillary blew it.
John 3:16
Its rebellion time to restore the republic.
Restoration. Not revolution. The system worked before central banking and the fed. We are being bombarded with other reasons to get angry over, but it’s the same reasons America has had it’s own soil wars. Money. Interest. Banking. No representation or beholden representation. Secrey usury, and secret nepotism are the real reasons America is not great and cannot be great again if we don’t stop it one way or another. Unfortunately, it practically has to be war as those in control of the money obviously don’t want to relenquish power. This would mean they identify themselves. This would put a… Read more »
Mid-year 2020, Dr. Scott Atlas was added to the C19 task-force to advise Pres. Trump after initial advisors called for severe lock-downs and freedom restrictions based on false information. The first advisors, Dr.’s Fauci & Birx are both government agency officials that Trump did NOT choose or hire. He inherited them. That being said, Public records reveal they each have strong overlapping ties and decades of allegiance to Bill Gates who is neither a health professional, biologist, or scientist. Gates is a world-wide multi-sector monopoly controller and financial influence player including being a Big Pharma investment stakeholder. It should be… Read more »
All citizens are potential soldiers. In America, they would not become revolutionaries, but rather defenders to restore the constitutional republic
America does not need a revolution. It’s needs to restore the republic. The headline itself is indeed, psychologically, subliminally suggesting something that is not necessary but wanted to by those who run the MSM.
Sorry PressCali, clean up your headlines and stop selling, possibly advocating civil unrest and a “revolution” which includes the possibility of regime change to communism and not a restoration of what made America great.
[…] Press California reported Zapata is a retired Marine combat veteran who owns a now-struggling martial arts studio. […]
In sheer military terms, govt is a protection racket. You pay your taxes for cops, feds, road maintenance, whatever public service……….or else you end up in a hospital of one kind or another or dead. First they will talk to your mind if you are not a good citizen (psychologist) Second they will drug your body if you are not a good slave, citizen (psychiatrist) Third they will put you in a hospital of one kind (mental) or another (regular). Get it? May you not be born into a beholden, bound, mulit-generational family that lies to you, drugs you, rapes… Read more »
Every citizen is a revolutionary if necessary. That is why we have the 2A.
This man is correct. However, the 2CA (second continental army) has been blackballed by the media way before the internet was even created. Yes, it exists. It’s very large and well-armed. It is somewhat de-centralized for obvous reasons but the fact of the matter is, they don’t have the new tech EMP and LORADS, etc…
OK.. enough.. Its time for the glorious People’s Counter Revolution and take out the democrat paid terrorists once and for all.
im ready!!
You voted for communism. Now you’re in a bread line. You expected something else?!
it’s time to overthrow the oppressive California State government.
By any means necessary.
It’s time for Hug Festivals with Mask Burnings.
Please view & share this important Public Service Announcement:
~ It’s Your Funeral – Stand up Now
This is heartening in the face of this ongoing insanity: Tulsa Oklahoma Doctors Sue City Over Mask Mandates
I’m with Carlos.
IT’s Time . bring guns..
And most of it is a very useful way to attempt to derail Pres. Trump’s re-election.
“How do you feel about being complicit and perpetuating that — the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people?” Through the generations of humanity, freedom needed to be sacrificed for, suffered for, fought for. Those that still have need to give all we have.
We must all stand to end mask mandates, social distancing & all nonsense restrictions. End Covid Tyranny & Get Back to Life & Living. We can’t allow a group of billionaire globalists along with social engineers & technocrats to eliminate our faces, freedoms, & God-Given Joy. Remember smiles, fun & cheer? Life? The C19 antidote is JOY. Good conquers evil; brainstorming is needed. This might be a Great Protest Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2thPGWVELE
Don’t have to worry about that… Once the virus is magically cured on November 4th, there will no longer be a need for the quarantine or the masks…
All I ask is that people everywhere in this country remember and remember well the people that perpetrated this crime.
“Our local health officer has not made any restrictions over and above what the state of California has, so we are doing all that we can to keep the county as open as possible,” Donnell Ewert, the county’s Health and Human Services Agency director, told Redding.com.”
Doing all you can Donnel? Have you considered telling Emperitor Newsom to get lost?
Exactly what would hairdo do?
.. He right.. Keep it up and we will become the real revolutionaries vs the Soy Boys..
“…officials with the county, which tends to vote Republican, blamed Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for the lockdowns. “Our local health officer has not made any restrictions over and above what the state of California has, so we are doing all that we can to keep the county as open as possible,” Donnell Ewert, the county’s Health and Human Services Agency director, told Redding.com.” So these same officials who have no problem with pot stores on every block, in violation of federal law, are too afraid of Gavin Newsom to open their county back up? Sounds like Carlos Zapata should be running… Read more »
Ken doll/ future Democratic presidential hopeful Gavin does not care. Just as long as he is allowed to act as a sovereign ruler and is not late to lunch. This is all about his (Cloward & Piven) vision of his blue California. His bed is feathered. You are not considered. I doubt he has ever been much north of Sacramento, unless it was all expenses paid.
dick-s**kers don’t give a s**t, they got’s yo tax $$$
There were many inspirational speakers at this town hall who represent millions. Their stories reflect the REAL news going unreported. Civil war is not the solution. “The pen is mightier than the sword” Make use of Law & the Constitution & get them where it hurts. Class Action Lawsuits. No more sitting on our hands in astonishment. May the Best & Able Step Up. Here are all the diverse speakers. Carlos is at 24:40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIkHsj1SuDA
The pen is great, but useless, unless it is backed up by the sword. Class actions suits, legal proceedings can task months if now years. More-so, communist inspired groups abuse the legal process to disarm patriots, consider the number of gun laws, and Soros funded DAs. When someone is coming at you fully loaded, with a knife, guns, wearing body armor, a piece of paper or writing implement will not stop you.
…”someone is coming at you fully loaded, with a knife, guns, wearing body armor, a piece of paper or writing implement will not stop you.” Thank you but that is NOT where we are right now. We have to deal with present reality & weapons that will hurt the elite machine behind the 2020 Scam. Yes, courts take long, but none of them want legal actions initiated because of the press as investigations will uncover everything; they can’t take the risk. People like Bill Gates should be investigated, believe me, he does not want that to happen. So please sign… Read more »
This is how the silent majority will truly start the second civilian war, which once again is being falsely purported to be about race when it’s about the same thing the first civilian war was started for.
Call it what you may, 2nd Civil War or insurgency, but the first shots were symbolically fired in Madison, on 25 May, 2020, when with the first “mostly peaceful” demonstration, which were nothing more then burning, looting, followed by murder, committed BLM and Antifa, enabled by democratic politicians.
Oregon, Portland suburb here. Mother of Army, 101st Airborne Vet & grandmother of a Marine Vet. Fed up to our eyeballs with the Marxists/Socialists/Communist elites who are bent on taking over our country. It’s NOT going to happen! Not on our watch!.
I feel for you down here in Califmexifornistan and hopefully Federal intervention is inbound …sorely overdue too!.
This guy is an American hero!
[…] According to Press California, Carlos Zapata, who owns a martial arts studio in Redding, took the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to task at a public forum this month. […]
I’m a Viet Nam veteran from the midwest and I can assure you, you are not alone in your feelings. We are just waiting ………
As are many like you sir.. A reckoning is coming.. The soy boys and their umbrellas and drums had better bring something else or it will be a slaughter
Fug Youtube they remove all truth.
Ae need to let them know how they got where they are.
So lets.remind them close.your.accout today or boycott them for a week
Why only a week? There are other options to Youtube, Facebook, Twitter. Consider Parlor and Bitchute.
[…] Press California reported Zapata is a retired Marine combat veteran who owns a now-struggling martial arts studio. […]
[…] Press California reported Zapata is a retired Marine combat veteran who owns a now-struggling martial arts studio. […]
[…] Press California reported Zapata is a retired Marine combat veteran who owns a now-struggling martial arts studio. […]
Waaah! Waaah! Waaah! I have to wear a mask, WAAAHH!!!! Idiot trumptard republicans cry over a facemask. 7 billion other people in the world can wear a facemask, but not self-entitled selfish American republicans. Everything is fake or a hoax unless it happens to you. You’ve driven this country down deeper than it ever has been yet you can’t claim responsibility. Read the facts, The Republican majority senate did not approve the second stimulus. Facts. If you don’t like them, then that’s your fault. Don’t get butt hurt you snowflakes. 🙂
My greatest wish is to meet you face to face and you say that s…to my face you liberal p…..
He probably has not been out of his mother’s basement for six months
What a misguided fool you are. The Democrats want you to be conned into Socialism by anything they can create in YOUR mind.
I am sorry for you.
Now that you have been “useful,” we will give you an extra slice of bread. Keep up the good work, comrade.
You seem very certain of the science for wearing masks. What was the particular bit that swayed you into being so certain?
Off the meds again?
FACT: You misspelled your name, it’s S I M P L Eton, you brainwashed simpleton. Now finish shaving your mama’s back, else you get no beer money.
The truth clarity and passion of many has been spoken by Carlos Zapata. Thank you ????
Carlos greetings from Ky just say the word . We are all tired of the bullshit .
Confirming, this guy and all others are aware the House(majority Democrat, led by Ms. Pelosi) passed the HEROES Act waaay back in May, so that business owners like him would be fully taken care of as well as employees. It’s details: https://www.turnpikelaw.com/what-the-heroes-act-would-mean-for-small-businesses-ppp-funding/ Mitch McConnell(Senate….majority Republican) refused to visit this issue until everything expired July 31st to which 20 members of the Senate refuse to agree to ANY again ANY type of financial assistance. All of this is public record, to which you can review these facts for your selves and please stop believing the flat out lies our president states… Read more »
Since clearly you are for government spending that will cripple our children. Please explain to me where the government is getting the first 3 trillion dollars and then where was it supposed to come up with an extra 4 trillion for polosi’s plan? I am tired or the answer being put our country in debit this is not an answer. The answer is get Politicians Like Schumer and polosi our because they don’t give a crap about you.
You don’t live here. I do. This man is telling the truth.Come see Shasta County. We had a devastating fire here in 2018. (Carr Fire) Many of these families have not yet recovered. We are currently absorbing smoke from fires surround our area…again. (With or of is open) Lets not forget the threat of power shut offs in the midst of a heat wave. Our county population is 180080, to date we have experienced…(wait for it) 11 deaths. That’s a grand total of .006% death rate. Many here have yet to receive their unemployment. People here want to go to… Read more »
A long explanation of incomplete information. Maybe another ten paragraphs and the larger picture will come into view. Hard to see it all when all you can see is orange man bad.
Carlos Zapata we love you!!
[…] According to Press California, Carlos Zapata, who owns a martial arts studio in Redding, took the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to task at a public forum this month. […]
[…] According to Press California, Carlos Zapata, who owns a martial arts studio in Redding, took the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to task at a public forum this month. […]
This man speaks volumes for millions of Californians….stop this insanity!!! If there is a GoFundMe being set up, please keep the public informed. Having lived in this state all of my life, it is simply painful to see what these LIBS (aka, COMMUNISTS) have done and continue to do with no impunity! They sit behind their iron gates, making decisions that affect only those who pay their damned salaries….Pelosi being the leader of the pack using this virus to destroy the economy in order to make it appear that it’s all Trump’s fault. This is their ‘Hail Mary’ after their… Read more »
Applause & ditto to Courageous Zapata! Because of the complicity of WHO & Communist China, the Wuhan Virus contaminated and killed. We have all been exposed. The shelf life of the emergency shutdown has long expired — OPEN all cities, counties, states. VOTE TRUMP to save democracy and America from the commies, terrorists, antifa, BLM.
Them emmeffing democrats are politicizing this covid “crisis” and millions are being hurt. the dems need to burn for this.
[…] According to Press California, Carlos Zapata, who owns a martial arts studio in Redding, took the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to task at a public forum this month. […]
tried to locate Carlos to speak with him but can’t find good number or email- does anyone have Carlos contact info ?- message me on FB messenger Todd Wetzelberger thx
See reddingselfdefence.com
9481 Deschutes Rd. #5
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
This is not a valid contact for Carlos Zapata. I called the number for this business and got the answering machine with a message that said “If you’re looking for Carlos you have the wrong number” So if anyone has his FB link or a good number for him please leave it under this comment, because I want to thank him personally for standing up and saying what needed to be said.
Here’s his FB https://www.facebook.com/carlos.zapata.5209/
They always have the camera pointed at the speaker, never the board members. They snooze, send texts, shuffle through papers. They couldn’t care less what you have to say.
One thing worse than living in a police state is finding out that no one cares.
More Oath Keepers like this guy and less Corporal Uphams. We need to find ways to speak to the country without being censored or erased from social media. I hope he makes a self-made video soon. Never forget Eric Ciaramella or Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah. Some media sites are already trying to tie this man to a Mexican national in Australia, and they are even going as far as to change his last name.
there is no CAKE left-
Open up all businesses & schools without restrictions! If you are at risk, take your own precautions! Maybe the State of Jefferson concept needs to be revisited!