Calif. lawmakers OK lowering statutory rape reporting requirements
By Greg Burt/CFC
Sacramento, Calif. — The California State Senate approved a bill on Friday to lower the reporting requirements for some cases of statutory rape, authored by a Democratic Assemblywoman who was reprimanded for accusations of sexual harassment.
All ten Republicans voted no on AB 1145, which was sponsored by the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality California. It would change the reporting requirements for mandated reporters if the perpetrator is younger than 21, the minor victim is 16 or older, and the sexual activity is consensual.
Should it become law, high school teachers or counselors who know one of their 16-year-old students or counselees is having sex with a 20-year-old would no longer be required to report it to authorities.
The bill is especially concerning in light of how many LGBT organizations are sponsoring social events between young teenagers and young adults. See these fliers for examples of the wide disparity in ages promoted at such events.
In 2018, the bill’s author, Cristina Garcia (D – Downey), made headlines after being investigated for accusations of sexual harassment against male Capitol staffers.
“Despite the decision that the most egregious allegations could not be substantiated, it is clear that Assemblymember Garcia has engaged in a pattern of behavior that must be addressed,” Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon said at the time.
After a temporary absence from the Assembly, Garcia, an outspoken leader of the #MeToo movement, was required to attend sexual harassment and sensitivity training.
Greg Burt is Director of Capitol Engagement of the California Family Council. He can be reach at [email protected] or (949) 244-2080.
Something you’ll never hear in CA after this becomes law: “She was only 15; I just couldn’t.”
I grew up in Los Angeles near MacArthur Park in the 60s. I don’t think miracle mile and Lafayette Park on Wilshire Blvd. look any better with packs of dogs running the streets and sombreroed push carts as the main food, housewares and clothing vendors. New Hispanic Downey is just giving us the type of democracy they voted for.
How is that Nor Cal state of Jefferson thing going?
Well age of consent in a lot of Mexico is 12.
“Ah, the patter of little feet about the house…, there’s nothing like having a midget for a butler.” -W.C. FIELDS
pre-verts gotta pro-tek their leisure activities
Too … many … possible … comments.
No kidding