SABO STRIKES: Notorious street artist dunks on Biden in LA
Conservative guerilla artist Sabo pulled off an epic win against Joe Biden this week, poking fun at the Democratic presidential candidate’s “You ain’t black” quip.
The ex-Marine turned political lampoonist, in the dead of night, transformed a backboard on a Los Angeles public basketball court into a billboard with a looming image of Biden, the basketball goal still intact, daring hoopsters with the following taunt: “Make this shot or you ain’t black.”
Sabo’s latest “woke of art” references Biden’s comment on syndicated radio show host Charlamagne Tha God’s show in May, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Pulled It Off In 20 Minutes
Biden’s remark spurred outrage among African Americans of all political perspectives as racist and an example of the Democratic party’s taking for granted the black vote.
“I got this idea I thought would make Joe Biden look like an a**hole,” Sabo explained on Facebook. “I pulled it off in about 20 minutes,” he said, “because this might be a dangerous location crawling with homeless and violent drug addicts.”
Still, the Venice Beach court had to be the place. “Street basketball is like a religion there. The move White Man Can’t Jump was filmed there,” he said.
Welcome to Pedowood
Sabo, whose real name is Dennis Ray Lewis, has earned the ire of Hollywood, Silicon Valley and politicians for years, skewering Pedowood, the Google Gulag, Governor Gruesome, among others.
In recent weeks, he plastered San Francisco with Blow Me Pelosi posters, referencing the Speaker’s SalonGate hypocrisy, and Los Angeles with Cops and Kooks signs, showcasing Kamala Harris dressed as a policewoman in shorts and Biden as a nude perp, save for, thankfully, a strategically placed PPE mask. More at Sabo’s site: UnsavoryAgents.com
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Been a big fan of SABO for years. If you like what he does go to his website and support him by buying his posters, patches, pins and Art work so he can keep doing what he does best. Pointing out the absolute hypocrisy on the left and making heads explode.
Ridicule to lieberals is like water to the Wicked Witch of the West!
I love Sabo whom btw is Latino.
SABO SABO SABO hero of the downtrodden
““I got this idea I thought would make Joe Biden look like an a**hole,” Sabo explained on Facebook.”
You can’t be first — but you can be next.
Sleepy Creepy Beijing Biden bin Hidin’ has a miles-long headstart on any of US making HIM look like an ace hole. And we’ll never catch up!
Now do one about the Jews.
Glad to see shovels to the smug faces of those who so richly deserve it.
Good thing BOW down Barry is not in charge or this guy might get locked up as if he produced a video or something
Re “Best Art in L.A.”: Does anyone in the L.A. area remember the Obama-as-Joker posters with one word — “Socialism” — underneath that started to appear near freeway on-ramps in 2009? That was SABO. The first time I saw one I was shocked, delighted, intrigued, and full of admiration for whoever was responsible. In L.A. at that time we were used to seeing leftist “art” everywhere and graffiti galore for sure, but never anything like THAT — actual rebel art. I also admired the poster’s beauty; its colors and composition, its simplicity and economy of expression. And it was a… Read more »
“Brevity is the soul of wit.” Hamlet
Best art in LA
Sabo’s back! Love it.