Facebook shuts down Ron Paul. Let that sink in. Ron Paul
No politician has displayed honesty or integrity than Ron Paul. He’s also a peacenik.
With no explanation other than "repeatedly going against our community standards," @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified. pic.twitter.com/EdMyW9gufa
— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) January 11, 2021
The Bolsheviks are moving in to the White House.
Ron, Rand, Scalise, we are lucky they are all not dead for speaking out against the “fed” like Lincoln, Jackson, JFK, Reagan….they all got shot. Most of them died. McFadden got poisoned. List goes on and on. Quit talking about race and religion and end the “fed” or all the other BS won’t stop. It’s about money. End the “fed”. Every war in America has been about financial freedom. Not racism, not religion. Those are what the PTB give you as reasons when the people they rule get too smart and want to end their illegal, unconstitutional usurious money system… Read more »
As an add on…”repeatedly going against our community standards,” at FB, I find it stunningly amusing that these FB “heroes” of Constitutional destruction are the first to call the police, who they want to defund” when something goes sideways and are very likely to starve to death on an isolated stretch of Interstate highway because they couldn’t change a flat tire. Practical geniuses, they are not. Hats off to Ron Paul!
Conservatives are now going to be labeled like the Jews in Europe.
A big yellow “C” on every garment.
I love capitalism. If you don’t like a social media site, pick another one or start your own. Hillary even had her own secret site. I’ve just learned that there are dozens of other similar sites out there. If the current mega sites lose users, they will sell less advertising and make less money and their stock price goes down and their CEOs are worth less money. This is the way it’s suppose to work.
Hey, just be aware, while trying to post earlier on this site, I received a 403 Forbidden code. My access to presscalifornia was blocked. I eventually found a work around and it just posted. I was blocked by something called “Wordfence”. This is similar to the way ZeroHodge went from being an absolute free speech/ free idea exchange platform to what it is now…want FREE speech? You gotta pay! Google got in their kitchen to protect China.
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos - enemies of America. Treat them as such.
When they learn that they cannot silence us by shutting off social media they will murder us.
They will “try” to murder us, but not w/o their casualties.
I find it SOOOOOO odd, that the same radical leftist believers who once crowed, “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” is now on the other side of the argument. I guess WE are now the terrorists! LOL
They are just alienating a larger swath of people.