California Democrat sends Ku Klux Klan pic to Candace Owens. Doesn’t go well
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Liberal Chapman Professor Blames His Whiteness
A Democratic candidate for a congressional seat in Southern California has decided to leave the race, after tweeting an image of a Ku Klux Klan hoodie to black conservative activist Candace Owens.
William O’Mara IV, a liberal white history professor at Chapman University, was preparing for a rematch in 2022 after losing to Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Corona in November. Days ago, he sent the KKK photo to Owens with the following message: “Yikes. You may’ve dropped this.”
Owens, a book author and commentator with 2.6 million Twitter followers, wasn’t amused.
She tweeted that she contacted the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department for what she described as his “little klansmen act.”
‘This is RACIST and you are a PIG’
“How do we feel about Democrats sending photos of Ku Klux Klan hoods to black conservatives as an insult because I’m pretty sure — as my grandfather is still alive and breathing and suffered the REAL klansmen in his youth — that this is RACIST and you are a PIG for sending this,” she tweeted at O’Mara.
Owens, noted for her politically incorrect views on subjects ranging from George Floyd to Adolph Hitler, had recently wondered online why whites were being blamed for violence against blacks and Asians when most violence against blacks and Asians is committed by blacks.
The comment set off O’Mara, a longtime progressive professor known for his double braided beard, who goes by the name Liam, who then sent his offensive tweet.
In an interview, Owens, who has urged African-Americans to quit the Democratic Party, said O’Mara has sent “vitriol” her way before.
“Liam has followed and harassed me for no other reason than my being a black Republican, for approximately two years,” Owens told The Press-Enterprise in Riverside. “I had never responded to him previously, but the Klansmen hood was a step too far.”
Owens added: “I am a forgiving person. However, Mr. O’Mara has qualified his apologies with excuses and lies. He has called me far-right and rather bizarrely, a racist black woman. That is unacceptable.”
‘I made a terrible mistake. It was white privilege’
O’Mara, who got 43 percent of the vote against Calvert in the lost election, posted a Facebook video with a long apology for his tweet, which he blamed on his whiteness.
“I made a terrible mistake,” he wrote. “I am officially (resigning) from all my responsibilities within the Democratic Party, and am no longer running for Congress.”
“What I did was a display of white privilege,” said O’Mara. “I will never know what pain can be experienced by members of our community when faced with images of the Klan like the one I used. Its use, like all discriminatory rhetoric, has no place in our discourse or our society.”
O’Mara, who said he sent the tweet late at night when he wasn’t in a good frame of mind, deleted his Twitter account.
O’Mara’s “disgusted” campaign staffers posted a web statement expressing their disapproval.
“We all have various histories with him, but we never imagined that he would commit such an act of hate,” read the letter, which was signed by 16 people. “Liam, through his racist actions, has materially harmed the African American community.”
Calvert took issue with O’Mara’s tweet.
“When we disagree with each other, there are plenty of ways to express those thoughts without the use of hateful, racist imagery,” Calvert wrote on his campaign Twitter account.
Standard democrat. Can’t control the hate and can’t accept responsibility.
I had some personal experience with the Klan when I was a teenager. Ignorant red necks of the worst sort.
Where is CNN to destroy his life now?
He’ll probably end up as political commentator based out of Los Angeles.
Nothing like Racist Democrat getting busted BIG TIME
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
And he can kept his job teaching. How fitting.
No one wants to take credit for this article. No author’s name appears. A new tactic of the cowardly press? Interesting how the article calls Candace Owens’ views “politically incorrect” in contrast to the nutty professor’s act of sending a KKK hood to her. If you call her politically incorrect, what do you call him?
Politically demented.
What do I call him? I’d tell you but that would buy me an additional millennium in Purgatory.
Another democrat racist that outs himself. They were the slaveowners, the Founders of the KKK, Ran the Jim Crow Laws, / Separate - but equal and finally. The top democrat senators ran the longest Filibuster in US history . It ran for over 90 days and they were hell bent to deny blacks, voting rights civil rights.. I always wondered what part of democrat history don’t today’s blacks understand. ??
that is so TRUE and I never thought of it that way….
is a very good point u just made…
I don’t see why everyone is so upset. He is a Democrat, the KKK are all Democrats. Seems natural to me.
“…………which he blamed on his whiteness.”
.It wasn’t his whiteness, it was his stupidity.
Its a good thing he was found out before he was elected.
Where is the “cancel culture”??
Oh, wait he’s a Demorat so nothing will be done…
Candace is a class act, you’re a POS
. . . oh come on now, anyone who’s name includes IV has to have “daddy issues” . . . as in “William O’Mara IV” is suspect of being unfulfilled in their diaper . . .
But he “goes by the name Liam” ha ha ha………
Any real Irish man would whip his ass for defaming Irish Heritage. He does however show us exactly what Democrats think of Blacks.
White privilege, more like Jew privilege.
Still…white people are being blamed. LOL I hate this world.
Right, there are scientists who theorize we are living in a computer simulation. If this is true they should just switch it off because this ones broken!
Trust not the words of scientists. Trust yourself.
Candice Owens is a Constitutional Patriot. O’Mara, nothing but another Democrat, racebating hater.
Candace Owens is a class act. She’s smart, beautiful, and accomplished.
“What I did was a display of white privilege.”
No asshole. What you did was a display of just another unaccomplished, unimportant, leftist, Democrat, asshole wielding his here-to-fore unaccountable liberal privilege; Not some imaginary white privilege. Candace Owens is twice the man you’ll ever be, O’Mara. (I hope a few leftist heads explode after reading that)
Judge the left by their own standards and they immediately disintegrate.
You hit that nail right on the head….liberal privilege is a perfect description for Democrats.
Boycott Chapman. Any place hiring a morally and mentally retarded professor is not fit to educate your child!
That would be all but 3 or 4.
True! I can’t think of any except Liberty and Hillsdale, myself.
PrivilegeLiberal Stupidity made me do it!”There, fify.
““What I did was a display of white privilege,” said O’Mara.”
What a load of crap. What he did was a display or ignorance and stupidity. He’s a typical far left democrat loon and this is just typical behavior for them.
. . . no you didn’t O’Mara IV, you showed the online community what a bigoted highly educated idiot you are, and to think college students pay tuition to take a class from you . . . “diaper boy IV ” . . .
That was a half-assed apology. He didn’t even own up to it, he blamed it on white privilege. This is like blaming all whites. No, it’s not everyone else’s fault, he’s just an asshole.
Hey Chapman, appoligise for you being a marxist, you being a white guy has nothing to do with being an idiot.
The wokeagensia strikes again
Good read.
If we didn’t live in “clown world”, Professor/ ex-candidate O’Mara would have already been terminated from his history professorship at Chapman University. Instead, Chapman is more likely to make him Dean of the School now or maybe Dean of Diversity Programs. If terminated, O’Mara would then be able to go back home, presumably to Ireland, to grow potatoes, drink way too much whiskey and get into fist fights nightly, or was that too racist a comment? Wait, are you a racist if you’re calling out other racist whites while being white? It’s just so confusing now. Ms. Owens has more… Read more »
Let’s see if this scumbag gets fired from his teaching positions….as we all know if he was a Republican and did the same thing, he would be instantly fired from his job!
He’d get the electric chair 🙂
I think that eventually Owens will make a serious run for the Whitehouse and I’ll be happy to support her.
I’ll be using my “White Privilege” to the fullest extent possible.
Me too, I thought Trump should have put her on his administration.
Must be one of those leftist intellectuals I hear so much about.
Picture on the right: An attractive woman with a very nice, natural smile. She has bright eyes and her smile looks unforced and genuine.
Picture on the left: A rather plan looking male with a forced, fake looking smile. He has undersized glasses that he thinks are fashionable and he is obsessed with what other people think about him. Everything about him is contrived. He does not even form his own opinions.
This comparison plays out the same way every time a sane person is compared with a Democrat.
You’re so right about this comparison.
Grateful to Candace Owens, she is a shining light.
All Democrats are racist scum.
We’re seeing a lot of these leftists becoming increasingly desperate. The good guys are getting a real foothold now and they seem frightened that their “beautiful wickedness” is in danger of being destroyed.
Waiting to see what happens with this POS
Dox this POS
Another one bites dust!